Whether you have a general question about our service or you need bespoke solutions to you business concerns, we are glad to answer your question on a one-to-one basis, by phone, email, text, WhatsApp or in Person. You can contact us using the contact details provide on the website.

In the interim, you may find answers to some of your questions here. The answers are for guidance only and is not to be relied on for decision making or considered as a substitute for professional consultation.

How do I know if an accountant is qualified?

Just ask. Most qualified firm of accountants are expected to be supervised by either one of these professional bodies. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) – Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW) – Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland – Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland.

We are ACCA supervised.

My business is a bit far from your office

We run a practice that’s not limited by geography. As a modern forward looking practice, we utilise IT and efficient business process to ensure We are where You are.

All clients have a client web portal as standard at no additional cost to manage all our engagements ensuring a seamless flow of  client requests, information and documents. Also, a dedicated account manager is available to ensure your affairs are attended to.

How much will my tax bill be?

Tax liability is determined by the level of taxable income after adjusting for the relevant reliefs and allowances available to the taxable entity. No one can determine tax payable until a thorough assessment of the numbers. We are at hand to discuss further with you.

Should i be registered for VAT?

The VAT registration threshold is currently £85,000. Where the business revenue is below this amount, there is no requirement to be VAT registered. However, you may register voluntarily. We are available to discuss your VAT matters.

Isn’t changing accountants a difficult process?

Because of the series of business information that’s involved in managing your accounting and tax affairs, switching accountants can appear to be a daunting exercise. We understand this and we have a 2 step approach to make it seamless for you.

  1. Engage us
  2. Provide your accountant’s contacts

That’s all!

What business structure do you recommend?

Its important to get your business structure right from the 1st instance as it has direct impact on your business operations, finance, and tax position amongst others. The business structure to adopt is often circumstantial and it’s important you get in touch with us to discuss your specific requirements.

Get a personal consultation.

Call us today at 0203 432 0968. Or follow our WhatsApp link to arrange a quick call back

Out of hours? No problem. Call our mobile on +44 07360501284